“Conch Laying” Ceremony at Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple Of Toronto, Ontario – Canada – 12 July 2024. Click below and view more details with pictures.

Dr. Sivasri Panchadchara Vijayakumara Kurukkal – Chief Priest, Founder, and President-Board of Trustee of the Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple Of Toronto, Ontario – Canada has officially invited Montreal Arulmigu Thirumurugan Temple for this Ceremony.
Their website for more details and pictures.

Our “Punniya Boomi Program will Take place on Saturday – 22 June 2024 See flyer

Watch Livestream of Montreal Thirumurugan Temple’s continuous “Punniya Boomi” 22 June 2024

  • Our last BOT – Board of Trustees Meeting took place on Saturday/8 June 2024 at the basement of the Montreal Thirumurugan Temple.
  • Previous BOT meeting – Tuesday – 23 April 2024
  • For further information please contact the secretary below.
  • See new members list attached below
  • For further information please contact the secretary below.
KandasamySelvakumarGeneral Secretary514-826-6830selvakumar2130@hotmail.com