• This immense project is over 2.2 Million Canadian Dollars
  • Effective from August 2024 – Anticipated completion December 2025
  • Please click the folowing image for the flyer and also read the entire page for more details.

Current Updates as of February 2025

Click here for video 1Click here for video 2 Click here for video 3 Click here for video 4
Proposed Rajagopuram (Main Tower) with Granite Stones cladding Main entrance – EAST side


The above project hatched many years ago when our team started noticing some cracks in the old traditionally (brick and mortar) built construction of the Rajagopuram since it was built in 2006. The original construction was mainly based on our traditional agamic ways of Sri Lanka and India.
But it seems to be not withstanding harsh wintry weather and frequently fluctuating temperatures throughout the years in North America. But when our team of Engineering expertise personnel within our organization inspected it was found to be sturdy and strong inside the cores but the external ornamental works had deteriorated over the years as explained above.


Initial stages

The initial Restoration Project Committee – Appointed by Saiva Mission of Quebec – 2018 See below
The following “FIVE”members as “PANCHA”
A good spiritual number perhaps as “Five Elements”

K. Yoganathan – Structural Engineer/Past President/Trustee

S. Sarawanabawan – Structural Engineer/Pioneer Trustee

M. Umapathy – Financial Specialist/Past President/Chairperson Board of Trustees

V. Vijayakanthan – Irrigation/Civil Engineer/Past President/ Pioneer Trustee

S. Raveenthiramoorthy – Q & R Engineering/Past President/Pioneer Trustee.

The above personnel strived very intensively with all possibilities of different materials like FRP – Fiber Reinforced Plastic, GFRC – Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete and also Granite options that was in our minds from the inception and studied well over a period of 10 years.

Additionally we also would like to respect and honor the tireless efforts of some of
Our past Presidents
Mr. S. Thirunadarajah – 2004
Mr. B. Karunananthan – 2020
and the current incumbent President
Mr. K. Pushpanantham – 2022
They were quite involved in many fruitful discussions and were behind the scene in this restoration project in recent years.

Synopsis of Historical Analysis

Some analysis were done quite rigorously as compared with ASTM, ASME (US), NRC (Canada), IIT (India) and based on many factors and feasibility studies for the Rajagopuram to withstand all possible Nature’s indiscriminative and fluctuations of weather patterns etc. Some subject matter expert’s advices were also sought and discussed with leading professionals from other Temples in North America and also from Professionals from Universities in Canada and US as well.
Finally based on many factors and also keeping in mind of our Agama Shastra but primarily Vedic rules of physical properties as well as spiritual nature of resonance blended with nature’s energy, vibration and our strong beliefs of centuries old traditional Saivaite philosophical phenomenon of
“Cause and Effect”.
The Natural Law
The theory of Karma harps on the Newtonian principle that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. Every time we think or do something, we create a cause, which in time will bear its corresponding effects. And this cyclical cause and effect generate the concepts of samsara (or the world) and birth and reincarnation. It is the personality of a human being or the jivatman — with its positive and negative actions — that causes Karma.

Karma could be both the activities of the body or the mind, irrespective of the consideration whether the performance brings fruition immediately or at a later stage. However, the involuntary or the reflex actions of the body cannot be called karma.

Our good team of professionals within our Boards of Saiva Mission of Quebec finally chose “Granite” option in 2022/2023 for all matters in all aspects of Life and Infrastructure as well.

Spiritual and Engineering Aspects

This way our learned Priests and Saivaite scholars from Sri Lanka and India believed in Divine transmission will be achieved as stated by Sage MAANICAVASAGAR in “Thiruvaasagam” with Granite structures (comprising of Five elements Earth, Water, Heat/Fire, Air and Space see pictorial below) as compared with other materials even though they were considered generally good for building structures in North America. But not necessarily those other materials are inferior but unsuitable for Temple’s intrinsic spiritual nature of values that cannot be explained in any text books or any Engineering disciplines and can neither be challenged nor argued for such consideration of Temple’s embodied theism of our Saivaism beliefs and its related culture for the well-being of our Human Life cycle.

Our Professional Consultants & Contractors
Thamilnaadu – India

Dr. K. Dakshinamoorthy Sthapathy, B. Sc., M.A., Ph.D.
Karaikudi – Thamilnaadu – India

Our Professional Consultants & Contractors
Quebec – Canada

Mr. Leonardo Soares, P. Eng – President, Altapex Construction
Montreal, Quebec – Canada(a leading professional construction company in Canada)

Proposed Rajagopuram – NORTH side (facing the adjacent property line)
Proposed Rajagopuram – SOUTH side (facing St. Regis Blvd road side)

in November 2024 at the Granite Workshop in Pudukottai – India

The series of activities of this Rajagopuram Restoration Project from November 2023.

Check the slide presentations in auto mode or manually by your mouse.

This project is in active progress in different phases from the day of the

Invocation of Lord Ganapathy rituals from 11 May 2024.

Expected completion with Restoration Khumbhabishekam (Consecration) Ceremony by end of 2025

Dr. Dakshinamoorthy Sthapathy, B. Sc., MA., Ph. D Vedic Architects and Sculptors from Karaikudi – Thamilnaadu – India visited our temple on 11 November 2023 for final assessment and discussion with our local professional contractor Mr. Leonardo Soares, P. Eng – President of Altapex.

Assessments and discussions with our Restoration Project Members – Past President Mr. Yoganathan – Senior Structural Engineer and Trustee, Past President Mr. Umapathy – Financial Specialist and Chair of the Board of Trustees and Past President Mr. Raveenthiramoorthy – Telecom and Q & R Engineer and Trustee.

Missing in the pictures are Pioneer Trustee Mr. Sarawanabawan – Senior Structural Engineer and Past President Mr. Vijayakanthan – Civil Engineer and Trustee.

Next few slides are Invoking Ganapathy for his blessings for this Rajagopuram Restoration Project

Kalasams Removal Day 22 Aug 2024

Temple Priests perform rituals before removal of the KALASAMS to facilitate the new Restoration project with Granites.
Present in the form of an inverted pot with a point facing the sky, Kalasams are prominent elements of temple architecture. According to the Aitareya Brahmana, a Golden Kalasam is regarded to represent a Sun upon the summit of a deity’s dwelling, the temple.
KALASAMs are made of metal and some of stone.
Click the picture to watch the video

Quarrying Granite from the Pre- Selected & Tested quarry in Salem in Thamilnaadu – India.

The diamond-wire saw, as the name indicates, is a type of saw used in quarrying. The wire saw uses synthetic diamonds as the abrasion to cut through the stone. The saw basically consists of two parts: an engine and a steel wire laced with diamond-impregnated beads. This wire is fed through previously drilled channels.

Restoration Project Committee – Appointed by Saiva Mission of QuebecClick to see their profiles

Please see the flyer with some details and pictures and video for more details of the project.

Welcome to The Montreal THIRUMURUGAN Temple. Our masterpiece Restoration of RAJAGOPURAM (Main Ornate Tower) will be unqiue and your simple donation or sponsoring of Granite stone will be a spiritual blessing to your family *வணக்கம் உங்கள் வரவு நல்வரவாகுக* *Bonjour* *Namasthe* இராஜகோபுர புனருத்தான திருப்பணியில் உங்கள் அன்பளிப்பு அல்லது கருங்கல் உபயம் உங்கள் குடும்பத்திற்கு ஆத்மீக ஆசிர்வாதமாக இருக்கும்